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Negative Sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I _____ _______ steak at home. (cook)
I don't cook steak at home.
The pigs _____ ______ loud noises. (make)
The pigs make loud noises.
She _____ _____ the song. (sing)
She doesn't sing the song.
He _______ ______ his hands. (wash)
He doesn't wash his hands.
You and I _____ _____ pictures together. (draw)
You and I draw pictures together.
The men _____ _____ every day. (run)
The men don't run every day.
The cat ______ ______ very much. (move)
The cat doesn't move very much.
The girl ______ ______ in the elevator. (jump)
The girl doesn't jump in the elevator.
The man ______ ______ sunglasses. (have)
The man doesn't have sunglasses.
The children ______ ______ a lot in English. (write)
The children write a lot in English.
We ______ _______ balls in class. (throw)
We don't throw balls in class.
The book ______ ______ very much. (talk)
The book doesn't talk very much.
Ella _____ _____ a book at home. (read)
Ella doesn't read a book at home.
John _____ _____ in the winter. (swim)
John doesn't swim in the winter.
You and your dog _____ ______ in my house. (live)
You and your dog don't live in my house.
I ______ _______ the television. (see)
I don't see the television.
They _____ _______ Spanish. (speak)
They don't speak Spanish.
My friend and I ______ ______ together in the garbage. (play)
My friend and I don't play together in the garbage.
She ______ _______ bananas and strawberries. (like)
She doesn't like bananas and strawberries.
He _____ ______ coffee. (drink)
He doesn't drink coffee.
You _____ ______ to school. (walk)
You don't walk to school.
I _____ ______ in the bathroom. (study)
I don't study in the bathroom.
The dogs ______ ______ to go to the park. (want)
The dogs don't want to go to the park.
The dog _____ _______ broccoli. (eat)
The dog doesn't eat broccoli.