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Open Mind 3 - Unit 3 Grammar (Indirect Questions ...

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is Richard always late?
[ Can you tell me if Richard is always late? ]
Do you drink coffee?
[ Can you tell me if you drink coffee? ]
Do you drink coffee?
[ Can you tell me if you drink coffee? ]
Where is the nearest supermarket?
[ Can you tell me where the nearest supermarket is? ]
Where do you study Chinese?
[ Can you tell me where you study Chinese? ]
Where is the station?
[ Can you tell me where the station is? ]
Does Lizzie like ice cream?
[ Can you tell me if Lizzie likes ice cream? ]
Why do you like travelling so much?
[ Can you tell me why you like travelling so much? ]
Who is she?
[ Can you tell me who she is? ]
Are the children on holiday this week?
[ Can you tell me if the children are on holiday this week? ]
What does he do at the weekend?
[ Can you tell me what he does at the weekend? ]
When is the party?
[ Can you tell me when the party is? ]
Is he a lawyer?
[ Can you tell me if he is a lawyer? ]
When do John and Luke meet?
Can you tell me when John and Luke meet?
Do they work in Canada?
[ Can you tell me if they work in Canada? ]
What is this?
[ Can you tell me what this is? ]
Is she hungry?
[ Can you tell me if she is hungry? ]
Does he live in Paris?
[ Can you tell me if he lives in Paris? ]
Where does she play tennis?
[ Can you tell me where she plays tennis? ]