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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Chris likes Christmas." True or false?
Complete this sentence with an appropriate adjective: "El hormigero is..."
Students' own.
3 schools in the area that Chris hates.
Patronato, Marni, Marianistas,
How do you say "Perroflauta" in English?
How do you say "Cani/Choni" in English?
6 things that Chris loves
Beer, fuet, Nintendo, football, croquetas, making children cry, sleeping...
5 things that Chris hates.
Ed Sheeran, the park, horchata, Hello Kitty, Suggest/Recommend mistakes, En plan, children...
What does "I have the odd gin and tonic" mean?
That you do it very infrequently.
What does "recall" mean?
What does "resemble" mean?
Look like.
What does "flee" mean and what is the past of it?
To escape and "fled".
What does "nod off" mean?
To fall asleep.
"You must stop being a retard." Turn that into reported speech using "urged".
Chris urged him to stop being a retard.
"I will break your legs". Turn that into reported speech using "threatened".
Chris threaten to break his legs.
What does the verb "foster" mean?
Temporarily look after a child.
What's a "fair-weather friend"?
A friend who is only there for the good times.
What's a "feast"?
A big celebratory meal.
What's wrong with this sentence? "Climbing up the wall Simon watched the spider.
It seems like Simon is climbing up the wall.
Tell me three words that have the prefix "over".
Overcrowded, overpriced, overworked, overpaid, overwhelmed...
Tell me three words that have the prefix "anti".
Antisocial, Anti-establishment, Anti-aircraft, Anti-inflammatory...
What's a "rung"?
The bit you put your foot on on a ladder.
What does "negligible" mean?
Of little importance.
What's a "gap year"?
A year off before going to university.
What is the least important part of the CAE exam?
RUOE Part 6
Tell me four linkers to express contrast and translate them.
However, despite, although, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely...
What does "appalled" mean?
Disgusted / horrified.
Correct the mistake. "I write to you to tell you I am quitting my shitty job."
"I am writing to you..."
Correct the mistake. "I was waiting for my beer for 30 minutes before I decided to leave."
"I had been waiting..."
What does "broadcast" mean?
To emit a TV or Radio show.
What's the difference between "raise" and "rise"?
Students' own.
What's the difference between "sensible" and "sensitive"?
Students' own.
_______ of the noise from the park the English teacher reached for his shotgun. (tire)
________ in days I fell asleep while Chris was explaining participle clauses. (sleep)
Not having slept