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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Chris likes Christmas. True or False.
Name 5 things that Chris hates.
Ed Sheeran, Rosalía, El Hormiguero, Horchata, Bifrutas, Children, The park, "En plan"
Name 3 things that Chris loves.
Fuet, Beer, Pizza, Nintendo, Making children cry...
Benimaclet is full of...
Alboraya is full of...
Compare Bifrutas and Horchata using the the word "slightly".
Bifrustas is slightly less horrible than Horchata.
Tell me about Estrella Galicia using the words "By far".
By far the best beer is Estrella Galicia.
Compare Burgerking chips and McDonald's chips using the word "far".
Burgerking chips are far better than McDonald's chips.
Compare Dominoes and Telepizza using the word "nearly"
Telepizza is not nearly as good as Dominoes.
What does "puzzling" mean?
Where did Bisbal get his big break?
What does "tick all the boxes" mean?
Students' own.
What does "sweep" mean?
Students' own.
"_____" the table.
Set / lay.
3 adjectives that start with the prefix "un"
Students' own.
Dust the "_______"
"______ ____" an excuse
make up
5 nouns that collocate with "do".
Students' own.
5 nouns that collocate with "make" (not food).
Students' own.
A phrasal verb that means you can depend on someone or something.
Count on
A phrasal verb that means to cancel an event.
Call off
A phrasal verb that means to continue.
Go on
A phrasal verb that means to start a journey or leave.
Set off.
A phrasal verb that means to face a problem or challenge.
Come up against
A phrasal verb that means to find by accident
Come across
A phrasal verb that means to use everything until there is nothing.
Run out of
You are living with your grandparents while your flat is being redecorated. You went to their house in May. What do you say? (present perfect sim/cont)
I've been living with my grandparents since May.
You went to the rubbish Albufere 3 times last year. You will probably go again. What do you say (present perfect sim/cont)
I have been to the Albufera 3 times
You're tired. You had exams last week and you have exams this week. What do you say? (present perfect sim/cont)
Students' own
Your see your friend and his eyes are red. What do you say? (present perfect sim/cont)
Have you been +ing