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Health 5

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Common condition among teenagers where skin develops types of bumps.
How to prevent oral health problems?
Practice good oral hygiene.
One of the common issues concerns at the age of puberty when the sweat glands become more developed and active.
Body Odor
How to combat myths and misconceptions to the changes happening to the boys and girls during puberty.
Be well-informed in addressing health concerns because our utmost concerns everyday is our health.
Nocturnal emission or wet dreams indicate a sexual disorder. (Fact or Myth)
Menstrual blood is not recommended for face wash and for maintaining healthy skin. (Fact or Myth)
Taking a bath during menstruation period will make a girl bald, infertile or crazy. (Fact or Myth)
A girl may gain weight before her period due to water retention. (Fact or Myth)
Girls should not take a bath during menstruation. (Fact or Myth)
This happens when people do not really know the truth about an occurrence.
Physical health is related to mental health. (True or False)
During puberty you are not interested in forming friendships with other people at your age. (True or False)
Mood swings are sudden changes in emotions and feelings and normal experience of adolescents. (True or False)
When the body changes the you are not growing mentally and emotionally. (True or False)
During puberty, the secondary sex characteristics for boys and girls develop. (True or False)
During puberty many changes happen to your body. (True or False)
The period when you stopped being a child and start being an adult.
What is puberty?
It is a stage of development when your reproductive system becomes mature.