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Christmas Vocabulary Inferencing

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You write inside it, It is for your family, You mail it.
Christmas Card
It’s made with bricks, down below there’s a fireplace inside, Santa Claus goes down there.
They make loud noises, they might have a bow on top, they’re a type of musical instrument.
They’re white, they hibernate in the winter, and they live in the Artic Circle.
Polar Bear
Sometimes they’re shaped like cubes, they have toys and other thing inside it, you will probably feel happy when you get one, you find them under the tree.
They’re a Christmas dessert that tastes like ginger, you put icing on it, they’re cookies shaped like a person.
Gingerbread man
Sometimes it holds a candle, it has wings, she stands on the very top of the Christmas tree.
It’s round like an “o”, it has a bow on it, it’s green, you put it on your door.
It is a type of plant, it’s used for Christmas decorations and cards, it has pointy leaves on the outside with round red seeds on the inside.
It’s like a ball, you hang it on a Christmas tree, they are Christmas colorful.
It glows Christmas night, it’s a shape, and it’s very bright yellow.
It glows during the night time, you make wishes on it, you blow it out or turn it off.
It glows in the dark, you decorate with it on your Christmas Tree, it has many colors to glow.
It’s very brown, it’s a hot drink, and you can put a lot of marshmallows inside of it.
Hot Chocolate/Hot Cocoa
It has three snowballs, a carrot nose on the top snowball, and a smiley face on it.
They work on building toys. They wear green or red hats shaped like a cone but pointy. They live in the North Pole with Santa Claus.
You decorate it with ornaments, Christmas lights, and other things you put on top. A star or angel sits on top of it. You turn it on every night.
Christmas Tree
It tastes like ginger and very sweet. You put icing on top and on every side of it. It’s a Christmas dessert shaped like a house.
Gingerbread house:
It is very delicious food and drink. Santa eats and drinks them when I sleep on Christmas Eve. You put them on a plate.
Milk and Cookies
It has a bunch of presents, toys, and other things in it. Santa takes off and flies it. At each house, Santa takes a present out of it and delivers it.
It’s black and white, they live in Antarctica, and they’re a type of bird that does not fly. They waddle and use their belly to slide.
It’s white and red, and sometimes green too! It tastes really minty and you usually eat them in the winter time. It’s made out of sugar.
Candy Cane
It has a red nose, two winter antlers, and it sometimes rides along with Santa Claus and elves.
It’s soft and fuzzy white on the top. You put candies, toys, and other things in it. It also has a soft red sock on the bottom.