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A1 vocab Com.Cl.2 recycling

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't like _____ because restaurants and cafes are very expensive.
eating out
I really like __________ at places like McDonalds or KFC.
hanging out
When I come home after work/studies, I am too tired to cook, so I _______ pizza.
order a take-away
My week is very busy, so on Sunday I usually _____. It's my only day when I don't have to go anywhere.
stay in
When a new cafe or club opens in the city, my friends and I always ____ it _______
check out
The best way for me to relax after a hard week is to _____ with friends. Spending you weekend at home is boring!
go out
I am a very active person, so after school/ university/work I prefer to do sports rather than just ________
surf the Internet
I never ________ , even at weekends. I have many things to do, so I always get up right away.
have a lie-in
I rarely __________ because I wake up tired and sad next day.
stay up late
Most people hate _________ , but I like it. It helps me stop thinking about my work/studies, and my home is always clean.
doing house chores
I don't use public transport. My parent/friend/spouse has a car and they _____ me _____ in the city every day.
drop off
When I order something on the Internet, I usually go and _______ it ________ myself. I don't want to pay for delivery.
pick up
My best friend often ________ for tea at the weekend.
drops in