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A Quick Guide to Second-Hand Shopping!

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In buying clothes, what types of materials can last for a long time?
Linen and cotton.
HOTS: Can people save money by going for second-hand shopping? How/Why?
Yes, because the items in second-hand shops are sold at affordable prices.
Usually, people are involved in ______ especially with Charity Shops.
What will they do with the Swap Party entrance fee?
Donate for charity.
The items that you bring in for Charity Shops and Swap Shops must be in...
good conditions.
How does Swap Shop/Party works?
People bring their old things that they don't want anymore in exchange for something new.
Other than shopping at the charity shops, people can... 
donate their unused and old belongings by bringing them to the shop.
Where do people set up their second-hand items during Car Boot Sales?
In their car boot, obviously.
When will the Car Boot Sales usually takes place?
On the weekend.
What is second-hand shopping?
To shop used household and personal goods at a very low and affordable price.