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Present simple VS Present continuous
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I_____(come) home now.
am coming = present simple because is a changeable situation.
What_____(we/talk) about when Jim ______(come) and interrumped us?
were we talking = present continuous and came = past simple
The girl of the picture____(live) in the yellow house.
Is living = present continuous because is for describing a picture
For what do we use the present continuous?
For descriptions of pictures, actions happening now, temporary or changing situations.
For what do we use the present simple?
For general truths, facts, habits, routines, permanents situations
We____(meet) on Saturday
are meeting= present continuous because is a future plan.
He____(cook) dinner for her wife because is their anniversary.
Is cooking = present continuous because is happening right now
I____(get up) at six o'clock every morning.
get up = present simple
I ___(look) for my sunglasses when I ____(find) the book I lost last year
Was looking = present continuous Found = past simple
She has/is having short,dark hair
Has = present simple
She lives/is living near the beach
Lives = present simple