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Christmas grammar

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's _________ time of the year - there's nothing better than Christmas! (wonderful)
the most wonderful
The reindeer _________ ill - shall we call the vet? (look)
The tree _________ by my little sister - it looks amazing, doesn't it? (decorate)
was decorated
My mum _________ the lights - you don't need to go to the store. (already/buy)
has already bought
Gran _________ carols when grandpa broke his arm. (sing)
was singing
If I _________ you, I wouldn't send her this card - it's awful. (be)
were (was)
Why _________ this candle? It smells horrible. (buy)
did you buy
We never _________ each other presents for Christmas. (give)
My parents _________ the best at singing Christmas songs. (be)
Is it _________ to make Christmas ornaments or prepare the food? (easy)
Hold on! I _________ the tree! (decorate)
am decorating
I _________ buy new Christmas decorations last year. (have to)
had to
What _________ this Christmas Eve? (do)
are you going to do/are you doing
Would you sing a carol in front of a lot of people if somebody _________ you to do it? (ask)
The _________ Christmas movie is definitely Home Alone. (boring)
most boring
The Christmas Carol _________ by Charles Dickens. (write)
was written
I _________ my favorite Christmas sweater when he spilled the hot chocolate on me! (wear)
was wearing
What _________ your favorite Christmas tradition? (be)
Have you ever _________ a really expensive Christmas present? (buy)
My sister always _______ gingerbread cookies with grandma (bake).