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The Arctic

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True or false: No plants can grow in the arctic.
What is this arctic creature called?
Polar Bear
True or false: Arctic winters have days where it is totally dark ALL day.
True or False: Arctic summer has days where the sun NEVER totally sets.
Which arctic creature has two large tusks?
Which GIANT whale lives in the arctic and eats tiny creatures in the summer?
Humpback Whales
What is this arctic animal called?
A Puffin!
True or False: Arctic foxes turn brown in the summer.
What is this arctic animal called?
Reindeer or Caribou
True or False: Alaska and Canada are both in the arctic circle?
True or False: Birds migrate north to lay eggs in the arctic summer.
What light display can be seen at night in the arctic?
Northern Lights or Auroras
The arctic is mostly: ocean or land?