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CAE Revision, Phrasal Verbs 01

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What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To COME FROM sb/sth/swh: To be the cause oir source of sth
What are the phrasal verbs and what do they mean?
1) To COME UP WITH sth: To suggest or think of an idea or plan 2) To Log on (to sth) Connect to a computer system
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To COME (A)ROUND to sth: To change your opinion of something
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To COME ACROSS sb/sth: To Discover
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To CALL sth OFF: To Cancel
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To CALL sb BACK: To return a call / To call again
What are the phrasal verbs and what do they mean?
1) To USE sth UP: To finish a supply of something 2) CALL IN: To phone a place (usually work) in order to give or get information
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To RUN OUT of sth: To finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left:
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To GET sth ACROSS (to sb): To communciate or explain sth
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To TURN INTO: To change or develop from one thing to another
What are the phrasal verbs and what do they mean?
To LOOK LIKE sth: to appear likely to happen: 2) To SIT sth OUT: To not participate in an acitivity
What are the phrasal verbs and what do they mean?
1) To TURN OUT: To happen, often unexpectedly 2) To TURN (sb) DOWN: To refuse / To refuse sb's request
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To CARRY sth OUT: To do or complete something.
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To CUT DOWN (on sth): To do or use less of something
What are the phrasal verbs and what do they mean?
1) To COME DOWN (with sth): To start to suffer from an illness, especially one that is not serious 2) To GET AWAY (from sb/swh) Move away from
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To COME OVER: To visit someone's home.
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To LOOK UP: To become better:
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To PUT UP (with sb/sth): To withstand, endure or suffer sth/sb.
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To PUT sth OFF: To postpone or delay.
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To FALL THROUGH: To fail to happen
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To GET OVER sth/sb: To recover
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To LOG IN/INTO: To connect to a computer system by putting in a particular set of letters or numbers
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To FROWN UPON sth: To disapprove of something
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To BREAK UP (with sb): To end a romantic relationship
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To CHEER (sb) UP: To start to feel happier.
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To LOOK FORWARD TO sth: To feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen:
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To CHILL OUT: To relax a) completely b) instead of worrying or feeling anxious:
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
To CALM (Sb) DOWN: to stop feeling upset, angry, or excited, and become calm/calmer
What's the phrasal verb and what does it mean?
BACK sth UP: To make a copy of information in a computer that is stored separately