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PAST TENSES (simple, continuous, perfect simple)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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__________ (you drive) when I called you?
Were you driving
By the time I got home, my husband __________ (cook) the dinner.
had cooked
I __________ (go) running very early last Saturday
I wasn't hungry at night, so I __________ (eat) because much during the day.
had eaten
We arrived at the cinema quite late, so the film __________ (already start)
had already started
We __________ (play) football when it __________ (start) to rain
were playing / started
When we __________ (arrive) at the hotel we found that our friends __________ (already leave)
arrived / had already left
The roads __________ (be) busy because everyone __________ (travel) at the same time.
were / was travelling
I couldn't remember if I __________ (turn off) the cooker, so I __________ (check) it.
had turned off / checked
The couple never __________ (give) up hope that their daughter would be found, even though she __________ (disappear) many years ago.
gave / had disappeared.
I __________ (not can) return the library book because I __________ (not finish) with it.
couldn't / hadn't finished
The man on the door __________ (not let) us in because he said we __________ (not have) suitable proof of age.
didn't let / didn't have
I __________ (have) a great idea for a new website, but someone __________ (think) of it already.
had / had thought