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Past simple, continuous or used to?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ben __________ (not hear) the doorbell because he __________ (listen) to music with his headphones on.
didn't hear / was listening
I __________ (not eat) any vegetables when I __________ (be) a child.
didn't use to eat / was
My girlfriend __________ (become) a vegetarian when she __________ (be) at university.
became / was
My brother __________ (have) a beard, but he __________ (shave) it off yesterday.
used to have / shaved
We always __________ (spend) our holidays in the same village in France when we __________ (be) children.
used to spend / were
My son __________ (lose) his boarding pass while we __________ (wait) at the airport for our flight.
lost / were waiting
We __________ (go) shopping in the high street, but then they __________ (build) a new hypermarket near our house.
used to go / built
I __________ (live) in Germany for a year when I __________ (be) a student.
lived / was
Luckily, they __________ (not drive) very fast when they __________ (hit) the lamp post.
weren't driving / hit
My parents __________ (not have) a car until they __________ (get married)
didn't use to have / got married
Emily __________ (not wear) glasses until she __________ (start) working at the computer all day.
didn't use to wear / started
When the phone rang, I __________ (read) to the children and my husband __________ (cook) the dinner.
was reading / was cooking
I __________ (wake up) late this morning, so I __________ (not have) time for breakfast
woke up / didn't have