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Future: Will

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I (sing) ........................... with Paquita la del Barrio next January.
I will sing with Paquita la Del Barrio next January.
We (not/move) ........... to Hawaii next month.
We will not move to Hawaii next month.
They (not/wash) their clothes .................... in the river.
They won't wash their clothes in the river.
He (learn) ........... five languages in five years.
He will learn five languages in five years.
My family (eat) ................. rice tomorrow night.
My family will eat rice tomorrow night.
(you/play) ............................................ tennis with your friends this weekend?
Will you play tennis with your friends this weekend?
(they/fly) ................................. to London next Monday?
Will they fly to London next Monday?
She (not/have) ...................................... a birthday party.
She won't have a birthday party.
Tom (not/clean) ................................ his room this weekend.
Tom will not clean his room this weekend..
Mary (travel) .................................... around the world next summer.
Mary will travel around the world next summer
His parents (not/punish) ........................................... him for being late.
His parents won't punish him for being late.
(you/help).......................................... me?
Will you help me?
You (get) ................................... rich in the future.
You will get rich in the future.
I hope my parents (paint) .......................................... my room tomorrow.
I hope my parents will paint my room tomorrow.
I hope I (find) ......................................... a job for the summer.
I hope I will find a job for the summer.
She (not/stay) ............................................ at home next week.
She won't stay at home next week.
We (get) ................................................ married soon.
We will get married soon.
I'm sure they (love).......................................... their new house.
I'm afraid they will love their new house.
I'm afraid you (not/have) ......................................... a lot of free time next week.
I'm afraid you won't have a lot of free time next week.
We (move) ...........................................to a new house in the near future.
We will move to a new house in the near future.
He (not/go) .................................. to university.
He won't go to university.
I think my brother (become) ........................................... a doctor in future.
I think my brother will become a doctor in future.