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BEYOND B1 Unit 2 Vocabulary Revision
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name five different verbs connected to transport.
What kinds of document must you take with you for travelling?
Name three different personal items that must be in your luggage
Name five different things that must be in your luggage
There are several ________ (= buses, trains, or aircraft leaving) for Paris every day.
The _________ we had planned took us right across Greece. (a particular way or direction between places)
We arrived at our ________ tired and hungry. (the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken)
I'd like to make a table ________ for two people for nine o'clock (an arrangement in which something such as a seat on an aircraft or a table at a restaurant is kept for you)
Please have a ________ (= sit down).
A person who is travelling in a vehicle but is not driving it, flying it, or working on it
The bags, suitcases, etc. that contain your possessions and that you take with you when you are travelling
Train ________ are going up again. (the money that you pay for a journey in a vehicle such as a bus or train)
To make something happen at a later time than originally planned or expected
We regret the late _________ of Flight 237. (the fact of arriving)
Name 5 different kinds of AIR transport
Name 5 different kinds of WATER transport
Name 5 different kinds of LAND transport