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Tipping at a Restaurant

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Matthew ate at Francesca's. His total was $25.44. How much should he tip?
Cal ate at Front Street Cantina with his family. Their bill was $132.86. How much should they tip?
Lexi ate at a Hibachi restaurant. Her total was $61.09. How much should she tip?
Ronan's total at Cracker Barrell was $27.73. How much should he tip?
Tyshawn's total at Outback Steakhouse was $19.95. How much should he tip?
Jacob's total at Giordano's was $44.49. How much should he tip?
Mrs. Dawn's total at Casa de Margarita was $37.66. How much should she tip?
Ms. Olivia's total at Gibson's was 65.50. How much should she tip?
Ms. Murph's total at her pizza place was $58.50. How much should she tip?
Erik's total at Denny's was $21.21. How much should he tip?
Karen's total at Sugar Factory was $46.68. How much should she tip?
Nychelle's total at Texas Roadhouse was $27.73. How much should she tip?
Mr. Will's total at Applebee's was $20.00. How much should he tip?
Logan and Kurt's total at Mimi's Cafe is $34.40. How much should they leave for a tip?
Mousa's total at Chili's was $22.25. How much should he tip?
Omari's total at Red Lobster was $36.68. What should he leave for a tip?
Briana's total at Red Robin was $16.50. What should she leave for a tip?
Madonna's total at Southern Belle was $12.75. What should she leave for a tip?
Nick's total at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse was $74.50. How much should he leave for a tip?
Jordan's total at Buffalo Wild Wings is $25.00. How much should he leave for a tip?