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Irregular Past Tense

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The children _______ for a test. (study)
The children studied for a test.
Last year, my sister ______ her leg. (break)
Last year, my sister broke her leg.
You ______ lots of water. (drink)
You drank lots of water.
My mom ______ dinner home. (bring)
My mom brought dinner home.
We _____ home from vacation yesterday. (come)
We came home from vacation yesterday.
You _____ many books. (read)
You read many books.
I _____ to the park yesterday. (go)
I went to the park yesterday.
The teacher ________ my play time away. (take)
The teacher took my play time away.
We __________ the red ball to play with today. (choose)
We chose the red ball to play with today.
You _____ to play during lunch time. (begin)
You began to play during lunch time.
I ______ some food last month. (Buy)
I bought some food last month.
The students _____ their homework last week. (do)
The students did their homework last week.
The children ______ sandwiches for lunch. (eat)
The children ate sandwiches for lunch.
The wind _______ a lot today. (blow)
The wind blew a lot today.
The man _________ the car yesterday. (drive)
The man drove the car yesterday.