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After School Snow Leopards and Dr. Suess Quizz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When was the Snow Leopards on the endangered list?
1986 - 2017
What role does a Conservation program play for the Snow Leopards?
an essential role to help in understanding and protecting the Snow Leopards
When do we celebrate Read Across America Day, a day that inspires a love of reading in both children and adults.
March 2nd, Dr. Suess' birthday
About how many books did Dr. Suess write?
Over 60 books
What is the Main Idea of Dr. Suess?
the legacy of Dr. Suess
What does copious mean?
abundant in supply or quantity
When Dr. Suess moved to California, what did he purchase where he could go and write?
An old observation tower
What does renowned mean?
known or talked about by many famous people
Name some ways the snow leopards tail helps them.
Their tails help them balance on rocky and mountain terrain plus they can wrap their tails around them to keep warm
What is the average lifespan of a snow leopard?
15 to 20 yeas in the wild and about 25 years in captivity
What is the Main Idea of the Snow Leopard story?
Snow Leopards are the target of poachers each year. Or answer may vary
What is the relationship between the poachers and the snow leopards?
Poachers hunt snow leopards for their fur coat.
What does camouflage mean?
to blend in
What was name of Dr. Suess' first book?
And to Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street
What does adapted mean?
get use too