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General Knowledge 30/11/2021

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is next in line for the Spanish Throne?
Princess Leonor
What is the largest muscle in the human body?
Gluteus maximus
1,000,000 bytes is also known as?
A megabyte
How many planets in the solar system have rings?
What is the largest Sea in the world?
The Mediterranean
What does GPS stand for?
Global Positioning System
Which brothers invented the aeroplane?
The Wright Brothers
What orbits the nucleus of an atom?
Which is the biggest of big cats?
How many millilitres are there in a fluid pint?
In dry air, what is 343 m / s the speed of?
Which side of the brain is more concerned with logic and reasoning, and also controls the other side?
Who was the second man to walk on the moon?
Buzz Aldrin
What is the only planet not named after a Greek God or Goddess?
Which woman refused to give up her seat on the bus in 1955, kickstarting the civil rights movement?
Rosa parks
Genghis Khan ruled over which empire?
Who was assasinated in 1914, kstarting World War 1?
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
What name was given to German war tactics at the beginning of World War 2?
What is the longest river in Spain?
Which country does singer Rihanna come from?
Who scored the winning goal when Spain won the World Cup in 2010?
Andrés Iniesta
German Shepherd, Bichon Frise and Mallinois are breeds of which animal?
Which actor played Elf in the movie, Elf?
Will Ferrell
Cassius Clay is the birth name of which famous boxer?
Muhammed Ali