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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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were / lights / went out / we / the / while / watching TV.
The lights went out while we were watching TV. / While we were watching TV, the lights went out.
I / cooking / was / called / you / when
I was cooking when you called. / When you called, I was cooking.
They’ve lived in Los Angeles _______ 2007. (for/since)
Lucas has lived in that apartment _______ nine months. (for/since)
I have been a teacher _____30 years. (for/since)
We’ve been in this room _________ nine o’clock. (for/since)
I / never / see / accident / like that.
I have never seen an accident like that.
Have you ever ________ (see) a shark?
Find the mistake: You should to read some books in English if you want to improve your vocabulary.
should read
Find the mistake: I'm feeling really bad. I think I shouldn´t see a doctor.
I want to improve my English. I (probably will / will probably) start watching series and listening to music.
will probably
I ("ll probably / "ll definitely / won't) do my homework. I'm so tired.
To go to the USA, you (want to/have to) get a visa.
have to
She (wants to/have to) go on holiday in the USA.
wants to
In France, you (have to/want to) drive on the right.
have to
We use "want to" to talk about...
We use "need to" to talk about...
We use "have to" to talk about...