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Compound Sentences

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She doesn't drink milk, _____ does she drink soda.
name a pair of words has 2 coordinating conjunctions.
and, or, but
Create a compound sentence. Tommy asks for help. Timmy gives him help.
Tommy asks for help, and Timmy gives him help.
There must be a simple sentence on each side of the coordinating conjunction.
simple or compound? My sister and I are friends, but it wasn't always that way!
simple or compound? We usually walk and talk all the way to school
This is almost a compound sentence. What's missing? Bob and June called and they invited me over.
a comma before and
a comma after and
a coordinating conjunction
a subordinating conjunction
Which is used to create a compound sentence. when, as, or, if
Compound or Simple? The boy whistled and walked.
Which sentence is simple, not compound?
Kim, Nate, and I raked leaves and burned them.
Kim and Nate asked me to help, and we raked their leaves.
Raking leaves is fun, but it is hard work.
Nate neither asked for help, nor did he want it!
Frank walked home and checked the mail.
simple sentence with compound predicate
simple sentence with compound subject
compound sentence
Which of these is NOT a coordinating conjunction? or, for, but, and
Which of these is NOT a compound sentence? I slept and dreamed. I slept until 8:00, and I am still tired.
I slept and dreamed.
Of these, which isn't used to create a compound sentence? and, or, as