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G6 U4 L4 Mixed quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The map ______ that art gallery is nearer than the cathedral. Shall we go there first?
speaks - asks - says - talks
________ the second turning ________ the right.
A. Take - in, B. Take - on, C. Get - in, D. Get - on
Can you _______ us the ______ to the post office?
A. show - road, B. show - street, C. tell - road, D. tell - way
Is there a theater ________ your neighborhood?
in / on / at / with
__________ go pass the traffic lights, and _____ turn left.
A. First - than, B. First - then, C. Then - First, D. Finally - then
Odd one out: heavy - sea - team - street
Odd one out: ideal - cinema - exciting - difficult
Odd one out: live - wide - bicycle - exciting
Odd one out: feet - seat - near - team
Which language is _____________, Chinese or English? (difficult)
more difficult
My mother's cooking is _______ than my father. (good)
Iron is ________ wood. (heavy)
heavier than
Jennifer Lopez / Madonna. (pretty)
Jennifer Lopez is prettier than Madonna.
Life in a city is a lot _________ life in the countryside. (good)
better than
I can't study in this room. It's too noisy. I'm going to find a ______ place. (quiet)
He thinks Charlie Chaplin is ________ Mr Bean. (funny)
funnier than
Her job is a lot _______ mine. (stressful)
more stressful than
I think she is still ill. She looks even _________ last week. (bad)
worse than
Odd one out: cross - turn - straight - buy
Odd one out: market - memorial - park - suburb
Odd one out: big - tall - wide - expensive