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What is the highest temperature recorded in the sahara desert?
58 degrees of Celsius
What is the hottest desert in the world?
the Sahara
What is the largest ocean in the world and what percentage of the earth does it cover?
the Pacific ocean, 32%
What is the largest island in the world?
What is the driest desert in the world and why?
the atacama, it gets only 1mm of rain per year
What is the longest river in Asia?
the Yangtze
What is the highest mountain in the world and how high is it?
Mount Everest, 8,848 meters above the sea
What happens when you die on Mt Everest?
Your body stays there. There is no way to bring your body down.
How high in the highest volcano in the world?
17,000 meters. It is larger than Mt Everest but most of the volcano is underwater.
What is the largest volcano in the world?
Mauna Loa in Hawai.
The Amazon is as wide as the distance from Krumlov to Budějovice. Tru or false?
False. It is like from Krumlov to Třeboň.
What is the widest river in the world?
the Amazon
How many islands does Indonesia consist of?
What is the largest archipelago in the world?
Why is Antarctica considered a desert?
It get very little rain or snow.
How large is Antarctica?
14 million square kilometers
What is the largest desert in the world?
What was Kilimanjaro in the past?
a volcano
How high is Kilimanjaro?
5892 meters
What is the highest mountain in Africa?
How deep is the Baikal lake?
1,637 meters
Where is Baikal lake?
in Russia
What is the deepest lake in the world?
Baikal lake
How long is the longest river in the world?
almost 7 thousand km
What is the longest river in the world?
the Nile in Egypt
How old is the oldest mountain range?
3.2 billion years
What is the oldest mountain range in the world?
The Barbenton Greenstone in South Africa.
What kind of water is there in the caspian Sea?
Salty, but not as salty as in the sea.
The Caspian Sea is as big as the Czech Republic. True or false?
False. It is 4 x bigger.
What is the biggest lake in the world?
the Caspian Sea