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Thanksgiving time!

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 2 things you are grateful for.
Would you rather watch the Thanksgiving parade or be in it?
Mmm interesting
What is your favorite way to eat potatoes?
Mashed potatoes, baked, fries?
Who's house would you like to go to for Thanksgiving?
Would you rather help cook the food or help wash the dishes?
Mmm good!
Name 2 things you are grateful for.
What is your favorite kind of pie?
Pumpkin, sweet potato, apple...
Are you a turkey person or a ham person?
Was turkey served at the first Thanksgiving?
True or False: Turkeys do not fly.
False. Some wild turkeys have been known to fly
True or False: Thanksgiving is always celebrated on November 25 or 27th.
False. It is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November.
Which state raises the most turkeys?
What are baby turkeys called?
Pults or turkeylings
Is it common to decorate houses on this day?
Yes, it is
Which president proclaimed that Thanksgiving should be an annual holiday?
Abraham Lincoln
What is the typical food on a Thanksgiving day?
What are some traditions that people usually do in Thanksgiving?
They sit at the table, eat together, offer prays to the Lord, say thank you
What year was the celebration that is most commonly considered to be the first Thanksgiving?
When is thanksgiving celebrated in the us
It's celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November
What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, green beans....