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Physical Fitness and Nutrition

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What are the 2 kinds of physical fitness components?
Health-Related and Skill-Related Components
Give an example of calcium-rich food.
milk, dairy products, small fish and shellfish
This is used to to prevent iodine deficiency disorders.
Iodized salt
Give one benefit of exercise.
Strengthen the heart muscle and prevents heart diseases. Lowers blood pressure. Reduces body fat.
Give one benefit of exercise.
Strengthen the heart muscle and prevents heart diseases
What are the benefits of fitness?
Physical, Mental and Social
What is a healthy lifestyle?
Healthy diets, regular exercise, and abstinence from smoking and alcohol drinks.
What are the 4 steps to food safety?
Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill
Seal seen on a label identifying food products that have been officially certified by the Department of Health.
Sangkap Pinoy Seal
Eat more meat and less vegetables and fruits everyday to get the essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber for regulation of body processes. (True or False)
Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, dried beans, or nuts daily for growth and repair of body tissues. (True or False)
Eat one kind of food everyday to get the nutrients needed by the body. (True or False)
Maintain children's normal growth through proper diet and monitor their growth regularly. (True or False)
Continuing breastfeeding for two years and beyond is essential for optimum growth and development of a baby. (True or False)
Girls gain more height and lean body mass than boys. (True or False)
Consume excessive saturated fats and oils to avoid the risk of heart disease. (True or False)
Consume safe food and water to prevent diarrhea and other food and waterborne diseases. (True or False)
The changes in Filipino lifestyle in the 21st century resulted to chronic degenerative diseases. (True or False)
An interagency and multidisciplinary technical working group which revised the Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos.
Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology
The dynamic state of energy and vitality that enable one to carry out daily activities without undue fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure.
Physical Fitness
The ability of the muscles to work repeatedly over a long period of time without getting tired .
Muscular Endurance
The ability of the muscles to generate a single, maximal force, that can be improved through strength training exercise that uses weight and other machines.
Muscular Strength
The ability of the cardiovascular system to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity.
Cardiovascular Fitness
The ability to move parts of the body through a wide range of motion easily around a joint.
The ability of the body to move quickly in various directions.
The ability to maintain an upright position while standing or moving.
The ability to produce a force quickly and involves both speed and strength.
The ability to perform a movement within a short period of time.
The ability to link various movement together with your senses.
The ability to react and make decisions quickly in response to simple stimuli.
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