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Helping at home

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____ old are you? I'm 9 years old.
_______ are we going to the park? At 7.30
________ colour is an orangutan? It's orange!
_____ do eat lunch with? With my mum and sister.
______ many children are there in this class? There are 9
______ are you crying? Because I lost my keys and I can't get into my house.
__________ is your schoolbag? It's in my bedroom
Last week we _____________ ______ the garden
Last week we cleaned up the garden
Last week I _______ the table
Last week I set the table.
Last week I ________ the kitchen
Last week I cleaned the kitchen
Last week I _________ the dishes
Last week I washed the dishes
Complete the gap: Last week I ____________ the house. SPELLING!!!
Last week I tidied the house.
My brother helps to set the kitchen. What's wrong?
My brother helps to clean the kitchen OR My brother helps to set the table
I help to wash the table. What's wrong?
I help to set the table OR I help to wash the dishes
We help to set the garden. What's wrong?
We help to clean up the garden OR We help to set the table
My sister help to wash the dishes. What's wrong?
My sister helps to wash the dishes
What do you need to do?
I need to make the bed
How can you help in this house?
I can help to tidy the house
It's time for dinner. How can you help your parents?
You can help to set the table
How can we help?
We can help to clean up the garden
What do you need to do?
Wash the dishes
What do you need to do in your bedroom
You need to tidy your bedroom
How can you help in the kitchen?
I can help to clean the kitchen