Edit Game
Present Continuous

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Selena ... (not drink) tea now.
isn't drinking
What book ...(they/ read) nowadays?
What book are they reading...?
I ... (wash) my face at the moment.
am washing
I ... (vacuum) the carpet right now.
am vacuuming
... (your dog / hide) from me?
Is your dog hiding...?
... (Ryan / play) the piano now?
Is Ryan playing...?
Lea and I ... (paint) the fences today.
are painting
... Joe ... (play) computer games now?
Is Joe playing...?
We ... (sit) in the classroom.
are sitting
We ... (not play) basketball.
aren't playing
- ... Sam and Karen... (play) the guitar? - Yes, .... ... .
- Are Sam and Karen playing...? - Yes, they are.
- ... Helen ... (write) a letter? - No, she ... .
Is Helen writing...? - No, she isn't.
- ... you ... (learn) English? - Yes I ... .
Are you learning...? - Yes, I am
... they ... (read) magazines?
Are they reading
My parents ... (drive) to work now.
aren't driving
We ... (not have) fun today.
aren't having
We ... (not have) fun today.
aren't having
Amy ... (not go) to school today.
isn't doing
Tina ... (do) grammar exercises.
is doing
Who ...(watch) TV?
is watching
Tara ... (talk) by phone.
is talking
My brother ... (not listen) to the radio.
isn't listening
We ... (not watch) Netflix.
aren't watching
Two people ... (cook) dinner on the beach.
are cooking
John ... (watch) a reality show on TV.
is watching