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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where can you find a collar? Three things: C - J - S
Coat - jacket - shirt
Three things men can wear to a formal interview T - S - S
suit - tie - shirt
Three types of make up
two things made of leather - Letter B
boots - belt
Something made of wool - Letter C
Something children wear to school and people who work in the army
Men and women can wear shirts but women can only wear this top
Two things you can wear on your legs with T
tights - trousers
What women go swimming in and what men go swimming in
swimsuit - swimming costume- swimming trunks
say three types of material : V - L - w
Velvet - Leather - wool
Say three types of pattern: C- S- P
Checked- spotted /striped - Plain
Say two things you can wear to do sports in (not on your feet) : T - S
Tracksuit, T-shirt - Shorts,
Say four pieces of jewellery: B - N - E _ R
Bracelet - Necklace - Earring - Ring
Say three things you can wear on your feet: T - S - F
Trainer - Socks/ shoes/ sandals/slippers - Flipflops
Say two things you can wear on your head Letters: H - C
hat - cap