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JI Reading Renaissance Day Review Questions

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(Unit 4) How did the Egyptians see their sphinx?
A protective male who would guide them the right way.
(Unit 4) How did the Greeks see their sphinx?
A female who was a mean and tricky monster.
(Unit 4) What is a Sphinx?
A magical creature with lion's body and a human's head.
What does puzzled mean?
(Unit 4) What would happen to Oedipus if he could not answer Sphinx's riddle?
He would be eaten.
(Unit 4) What is a clue?
Hint. Something that helps someone find an answer to a question.
(Unit 4) What is a riddle?
A problem or a puzzle in the form of a question.
(Unit 4) Why did students look forward to art class?
Because they love Miss Andrews's stories.
(Unit 3) What emotions do darker colors express?
Feelings of anger and fear
(Unit 3) What emotion does the color BLUE express?
Feelings of calmness or sadness.
(Unit 3) What emotion does the color RED express?
Warmth and comfort. Anger and danger.
(Unit 3) Why did people in the past paint on cave walls?
To explain their ways of life and the events that happened
(Unit 3) What does a child who is bullied draw?
They draw bigger children surrounding them or standing alone to show they are feeling lonely.
(Unit 3) What are some parts that help us understand a child's drawing?
Colors, objects, people, and sizes are helpful.
What can a child's drawing help us understand?
It can help us understand how they feel.
(Unit 3) Children are always good at expressing their feelings. [T/F]
False. They are not always good at expressing their feelings.
(Unit 2) What did Titan want John Benton to know?
Titan wanted John to know that his wife was passed out on the floor.
(Unit 2) What did Billeigh Gould do after discovering a fire in the living room?
She informed her family members who were upstairs.
(Unit 2) Who's life did Dilon Earl save?
He saved his grandmother's life and the other drivers' lives, too.
(Unit 2) How old is Chris?
Chris is 9 years old.
(Unit 2) What led Chris to the basement door?
A trail of cookie crumbs
(Unit 2) How old is Karen?
Karen is 4 years old.
(Unit 2) What is the name of Karen's older brother?
(Unit 1) What does "consequence" mean?
Problems or bad results
(Unit 1) What does "prevent" mean?
To stop something from happening
(Unit 1) What month is National Bullying Prevention Month?
(Unit 1) What is cyberbullying?
When someone bullies another person over the Internet.
(Unit 1) What does "depressed" mean?
Feeling unhappy and sad
(Unit 1) Why is LaNiyah overweight?
Because she struggles with a sickness that makes her gain weight.
(Unit 1) For how long was LaNiyah bullied for?
She was bullied for 3 years.
(Unit 1) What is the important message in the book, 'Not Fat Because I Wanna Be"?
The important message is that no one should bully others just because they look different.
(Unit 1) Who is the author of 'Not Fat Because I Wanna Be"?
LaNiyah Bailey