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Conditionals and wish clauses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I wish it________(be) Christmas already! I can't wait.
I wish you _______( not have to) go_, but I understand. Come to see us again, will you?”
A- you didn't have to go
I bought a new computer last month. I wish ________(wait ) though. You can get a better one for the same price now.
I had waited
If only the rain _______(stop)_! We can't even go out in this weather.
would stop
Holly is beautiful and wonderful and sexy… If only she ________ (not be) married.
she weren't
She's always talking about getting a dog. I wish she________(make)a decision.
C- she would make
All my friends are going to the mountains for the weekend. I wish I________(can) go with them.
The essay is due tomorrow. I wish there________(be) more time!
If you ________(listen) to the lecturer carefully, you ________( not have) to ask me now.
A- had been listening / wouldn't have
Oh damn, I missed the last episode! I was out. – See? If you ________(be) at home last night, I'm sure you ________ ( watch )it.
had been / would have watched
What's the weather forecast for tomorrow? – It's supposed to be sunny, but you never know, especially lately. If it ________( not be) , we ________(can, have) the party in the kitchen.
isn't / can have
I think I'm coming down with something. – Well, if you (wear) ________ something warmer last night, you _______(have)_ a cold now.
had worn / wouldn't have
If I _______(be) a good cook, I ________(make) you something really nice. But I'm not. I think we should go to a restaurant.
were / would make
How ________ (communicate )if there ________ (be) no phones,?
would we communicate / were
Really? If I ________(know) she was in hospital, I ___(visit) her for sure. I'm glad she's back home, I'll visit her tonight.
had known / would have visited
Yes, the weather was awful at the weekend. We ________ (go )swimming if the weather (be) ________ slightly better. We stayed at home instead.
would have gone / had been
If I ________ (be) a bird, I ________ ( not want ) to live in a cage my whole life.
were / wouldn't want
If you ________(had) breakfast in the morning, you ________(be) hungry now.
B- had had / wouldn't be