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Sophie's Daily Routine
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What time does she go to bed?
She goes to bed at about ten o'clock.
What does she do after dinner?
She reads a book or chats with her parents.
Is she a happy girl?
Yes, she is.
How many times a day does she brush her teeth?
She brushes her teeth twice.
What does Sophie do when she returns home?
She does her homework.
Who is Sophie’s best friend?
Her best friend is Amy.
Where does Sophie usually have lunch?
She usually has lunch at the school canteen.
What time does school finish?
School finishes at half past four.
What time does school start?
Her school starts at half past eight.
Does she go to school on foot?
No, she goes by bus.
What does she do after breakfast?
She brushes her teeth.
What does she drink for breakfast?
She drinks milk and orange juice.
What does she eat for breakfast?
She eats toast.
Does she usually have a shower?
Yes, she does.
What time does Sophie get up?
She gets up at a quarter to eight