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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The hooligans expected that their team would win.
It was expected that their team would win. / Their team was expected to win.
They say that the meeting will be held here.
It is said that the meeting will be held here. /The meeting is said to be held here.
Citizens presume that the government is responsible for the accident.
It is presumed that the government is responsible for the accident. / The government is presumed to be responsible for the accident.
They have thought the sportsmen are arriving today.
It has been thought the sportsmen are arriving today. / The sportsmen have been thought to be arriving today
The reporters believed that the meeting would finish soon.
It was believed that the meeting would finish soon. / The meeting was thought to finish soon.
Everybody says that he settled the business.
It is said that he settled the business . /He is said to have settled the business.
People consider that the team will be classified for the final.
It is considered that the team will be classified for the final. / The team is considered to be classified for the final.
They knew that Mr. Brown was stealing iron from the factory.
It was known that Mr. Brown was stealing iron from the factory. / Mr Brown was known to be / have been stealing iron from the factory.
People are thinking that drugs are very dangerous.
It ́s being thought that drugs are very dangerous. / Drugs are being thought to be very dangerous.
They believed that the horse was a present.
It was believed that the horse was a present. / The horse was believed to be a present.
My friends think that my wife is the best wife in the world.
It's thought that my wife is the best wife in the world. / My wife is thought to be the best wife in the world.
People believed that they had killed the animals during the night.
It was believed that they had killed the animals during the night. / They were believed to have killed the animals during the night.
The children reported that their friends were swimming when they disappeared.
The friends were reported to be swimming when they disappeared. / It was reported that the friends were swimming when they disappeared.
George is very old. People say he’s about 100 years old.
It’s said that he is about 100 years old. / He's said to be 100 years old.
Everybody thinks that she sings beautifully.
It's thought that she sings beautifully. / She is said to sing beautifully.
They think he is having an affair.
It’s thought that he’s having an affair. / He is thought to be having an affair.
Police have reported that Peter caused the accident.
It has been reported that Peter caused the accident. / Peter has been reported to have caused the accident.
The police believe that the thieves broke the window to get into the house.
It is believed that the thieves broke the window to get into the house. / The thieves are believed to have broken the window to get into the house.
They expect that the strike will end soon.
It is expected that the strike will end soon. / The strike is expected to end soon.
They say she runs 10 miles a day.
It is said that she runs 10 miles a day. / She is said to run 10 miles a day.