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Gerunds and Infinitives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I would advise you (NOT ENTER) the Gorgons Woods. Many people have been reported missing from there.
not to enter
They invited (US DINE) with them this evening in the Grand Lodge Hotel.
us to dine
You have been warned (NOT MAKE) noise after 12:00 at night!
not to make
Don't they know they're not allowed (HAVE) pets in a shared residence?
to have
Would you mind (MOVE) your bike from the front entrance please?
We'd prefer (STAY) in a comfortable hotel, we're too old to go camping.
to stay
I prefer (CYCLE) around town rather than (DRIVE).
cycling + driving (general)
She prefers (EAT) seafood when she's near the coast and she knows that it's been responsibly sourced.
to eat (specific)
It's a waste of time (LEARN) algebra at school. We'll never use it in our day to day lives.
When three members of the team fell ill, they stopped (CLIMB) the mountain and turned back to base camp.
They stopped the game half way through (ANNOUNCE) that the coach was retiring.
to announce
Becoming a lawyer mean (STUDY) for at least 8 years before getting a full time job. Are you sure you want to do that?
Martina means (QUALIFY) for the World Championships this summer. She's certainly on track to do it!
to qualify
Why don't you try (EMAIL) the director to make your complaint?
Will you please try (KEEP) still. I can't work while you're moving!
to keep
I'll never forget (SEE) the look on her face the moment she found out she'd won!
Don't forget (LOCK) all the windows and doors before you go away this weekend.
to lock
I remember (WAIT) for about 3 hours after the concert just to get this autograph!
Did you remember (BRING) your running shoes? We've got training this afternoon.
to bring
I appreciate you (TRY) to help us, but we really don't need it.
We considered (SWAP) this book for the other one, but our teacher recommended it to us.
I know it's awful, but I can't stop (WATCH) that reality show, I'm hooked on it!
Did you teach (HER + RIDE) a bike when she was a child?
her to ride
My parents didn't allow (US + STAY OUT) later than midnight on a school night.
us to stay out
He promised (RETURN) the books before the following Friday.
to return
We finally managed (OPEN) the door, there was nothing inside.
to open
I hope (HEAR) from you again soon, bye!
to hear
They decided (TAKE) the bus instead of driving.
to take