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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do they feel?
They're happy.
What are the boy and the girl doing?
They are playing badminton.
What animal is jumping?
It's a green frog.
How many shells are there on the sand?
There are 4 shells.
Where is the monkey? What is it doing?
It's in the coconut tree and he is .....
Where are they?
They are at the beach.
What is the girl doing?
She's running and flying kite.
What color is the kite?
It's yellow, blue, green and red.
How's the weather?
It's sunny.
What is the cow doing?
It's eating grass.
What is the boy doing?
He's walking on the path.
How many kinds of animal in the picture? What are they?
There are five kinds of animal. They are sheep, donkey, duck, dog and cow.