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Did the ship sink?
Yes, it did.
What was the problem with Shackleton's ship?
Ice closed round the ship.
How did they get help?
Shackleton and his men climbed over mountains and found help.
They never came home. True or false?
FALSE. They came home 2 years after the expedition started.
When did they come home?
Two years after the expedition started.
They ate dogs. True or false?
They caught fish and ate them. True or false?
Shackleton crossed Antarctica in 1914. True or false?
FALSE. He didn't cross Antarctica.
Where did they get water from?
They got water from snow.
Did they lose the ship?
Yes, they did.
The weather was beautiful. True or false?
FALSE. The weather was terrible.
They had to camp on the sea. True or false?
False. They had to camp on the snow.
When did he start the expedition?
In 1914
Shackleton wanted to cross the Arctic. True or false?
FALSE. He wanted to cross Antarctica.
Ernest Shackleton was a famous...