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Adverbs of Frequency

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you jump on a trampoline with your friends?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you cry?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you see Ms. Guyot's husband at school?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you see Ms. Guyot without a mask on?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you do something nice for someone else?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you ride a bike?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you make pancakes?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you do the dishes?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you jump in mud puddles?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you play volleyball?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you read for fun?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you see Ms. Guyot and Mrs. Nash really, really mad?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often are you late to school?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you wear shoes in the house?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you wear a wig?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you go to the beach?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you play fetch with a dog?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you use your phone in class?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you go swimming?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you help make dinner?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you play basketball at recess?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you soak in a hot tub?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you have cereal for breakfast?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.
How often do you clean the bathroom?
I never/rarely/usually/always _______ because/so/since __________.