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Gold C1 - Advanced

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Some women prefer their voice when they have a cold because it sounds HUSKY / WOBBLY.
Their music is easy to recognise because the sound is quite _______ (DISTINCTION)
We had to make polite TALK / CONVERSATION with the director of the company.
He delivered an interesting DEBATE / SPEECH at a conference.
Kevin thinks it might be a good idea to sell the house. (CONSIDERING). Kevin______ the house.
...is considering...
Learning to drive is a waste of time unless you already have a car. (POINT) There_____ to drive unless you already have a car.
...is no point (in) learning...
Adults behaving like teenagers really embarrass me. (FIND). I ____ when adults behave like teenagers.
...find it embarrassing...
We really must learn to use less water. (VITAL). It is ____ to use less water.
...vital that we learn...
It's about time I ____ (get) some more up-to-date qualifications.
Using emojis literally can also lead to ________ because it is almost impossible to be subtle (UNDERSTAND)
Despite cars being environmentally friendly, many people will refuse to walk or cycle, NOR / AS LONG AS they continue to live too far to the centre of the city.
The judges _____ (taste) the cakes at the moment to decide who will win.
are tasting
I ____ (think) of spending a week in Ireland in early June
'm thinking