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B2 key word transformation

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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‘It was me who borrowed the DVD without asking,’ my sister said. (Admitted) My sister.......................... the DVD without asking.
Admitted to borrowing
The entrance fee includes admission to all sections of the art gallery. (Included) Admission to all sections of the art gallery.................... entrance fee.
Is included in the
A friend said my parents should find out what their old vase was worth. (Advised) My parents...................... their old vase valued by a friend.
Were advised to have
Luckily, some local colleges were supporting us financially. (Being) Luckily, we..................... by some local colleges.
Were being supported financially
We should book speakers for the talks as soon as possible. (Ought) Speakers for the talks......................... soon as possible.
Ought to be booked
The concert really needs to be organised soon. (Must) I really....................... organised soon.
Must get the competition
You must make an effort to attend every practice session. (Try) It’s important to ............ every practice session.
Try to attend
The manager ought to buy some new players before next season. (Had) The manager.............. some new players before next season.
Had better buy
I’m not keen on playing football, but I love basketball. (Would) I................ than football.
Would rather play basketball
These trainers are worn out. I should get a new pair. (Got) These trainers are worn out. It’s............... a new pair.
Time I got
You can’t deny that all parents want the best education for their children. (Every) You can’t deny that ..................... the best education for their children.
Every parent wants
It will be easy for you to pass the test. (Problem) You................... passing the test.
Will have no problem
Doing a little revision every day is better than doing twelve hours the night before the test. (Bit) It’s better......................... revision every day than twelve hours the night before the test.
To do a bit of
There are few days left for revising before the test. (Time) There ....................left for revising before the test.
Little time
In my year many students applied to be class representatives. (Large) In my year................................... students applied to be class representatives.
A large number of
He can cook better than anyone in his class. (Best) He's ...........................in his class.
The best cook
The experience was not interesting enough to repeat. (Boring) The experience...................to repeat.
Was too boring
Jamie is a deeper thinker than Alex. (Thinks) Sam................................than Ben.
Thinks more deeply than
I couldn't hear her because she spoke too quietly. (Loudly) She didn't speak.............................hear her.
Loudly enough for me to
Mary is the fastest member of our team. (Can) Mary............................the rest of the team
Can run faster than
She is the funniest person I know. (Anyone) I ......................than her.
Don't know anyone funnier
There's no difference in height between you and me. (As) I am .........................you.
Just as tall as
You are a more fluent speaker of Japanese than me. (Speak) You ................... than I do
speak better Japanese
I wish I hadn't shared my secrets with someone so untrustworthy! (Regret) I .............. my secrets with someone so untrustworthy
regret sharing
John regrets eating so much chocolate on his birthday. (Wishes) John _____________________so much chocolate on his birthday.
Wishes he had not eaten