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"Ing" verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The people ____ _____ their hands. (clap)
The people are clapping their hands.
They ____ _____ the music. (hear)
They are hearing the music.
He ____ ____. (jump)
He is jumping.
We ____ ____ paper with scissors. (cut)
We are cutting paper with scissors.
I _____ _____. (yell)
I am yelling.
They ____ _____ orange juice. (drink)
They are drinking orange juice.
We ____ ____ at the picture. (look)
We are looking at the picture.
The cat ____ _____. (meow)
The cat is meowing.
The dog _____ _____.
The dog is barking.
I ____ ______ the movie (watch)
I am watching the movie.
You _____ ______ because you are sad. (cry)
You are crying because you are sad.
They _____ _____ to the bank today. (come)
They are coming to the bank today.
They _____ ______ on the couch. (sleep)
They are sleeping on the couch.
My friend _____ ______ bread in the oven. (make)
My friend is making bread in the oven.
I _____ _______ the answer on the board. (write)
I am writing the answer on the board.
She _____ ______ away. (run)
She is running away.
My dad ________ ________ dinner at the table. (eat)
My dad is eating dinner at the table.
We ______ ________ to the store together. (walk)
We are walking to the store together.
You _____ ______ English today. (study)
You are studying English today.
I _______ _________ to school. (go)
I am going to school.