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Review Multiplication, Division, Factor and Mult ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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T/F 30 divisible by 2
11400 : 10 =
10 x 310
3 100
102 x 100 =
10 200
160 x 10 =
1 600
100 x 213 =
21 300
50 300 : 100
There are 273 boxes of cupcakes. If each box has 3 cupcakes. How many the total of cupcakes? 
273 x 3 = 819
= 300 x 9 
Shazfa shares 84 cookies equally into 4 jars. How many cookies are there in each jar?
84:4= 21 cookies
78 flowers are used to make 3 equal bouquets. How many flowers are there in each bouquet?
78:3= 26 flowers
The factors of 16 are:
The factors of 20 are:
The factors of 24 are:
1 444
Mention first 7 multiplies of 5:
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35
Mention first 5 multiplies of 8
1 120
T/F 375 divisible by 5
T/F 70 divisible by 3
T/F 501 divisible by 5
T/F 100 divisible by 10 and 25