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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Some of june's favorite foods include french fries yogurt and pizza. (3)
June's french fries, yogurt,
Will Dora remember to buy doritos fritos and Cheetos? (4)
Doritos , Fritos ,
Does Roman live on main street in Princeton New Jersey? (3)
Main Street Princeton,
Will isaac buy a new game a new book or a new stuffed animal? (3)
Isaac game, book,
No Robert did not do his math his reading or his spanish homework. (4)
No, math, reading, Spanish
Some of june's favorite foods include french fries yogurt and pizza. (3)
June's french fries, yogurt,
Did you know that the hershey chocolate company makes the most chocolate bars in the world? (3)
Hershey Chocolate Company
Which city would be more exciting - Trenton New Jersey or philadelphia Pennsylvania? (3)
Trenton, Philadelphia ,
Yes i do think that we should also visit munich Germany. (4)
Yes, I Munich ,
After a while we will take a walk down main street. (3)
while, Main Street
The class will take a field trip to the metropolitan museum in june. (3)
Metropolitan Museum June
Furthermore richard and i plan on visiting Paris France. (4)
Furthermore, Richard I Paris,
After that we will join you for a party on may 5 2020. (3)
that, May 5,
First of all i'd like to know your name. (2)
all, I'd