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Run-on Sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Carlos went to college until he went to high school.
No - after
You don't go to highschool because you finish 8th grade.
No - until
Can we go to the store get some candy?
No - and
Hannah's favorite things to do include scrolling through TikTok and hanging out with her friends.
We made a TikTok so it got 1000 views in one day.
No - and
Anna doesn't want no fries with her hamburger.
No - any
He don't have no homework tonight.
No - doesn't, any
She went to the mall until she could buy a dress for the dance.
No - so
The purple lilacs are fragrant and beautiful.
Adam looked distressed as he saw the work piled before him.
I went to burger king for lunch I was hungry.
No - Because
We couldn't go out for recess so we didn't finish our lunch
No - Because
Is this a proper sentence? John opened the garage door for his father he was trying to be helpful.
Mr. Dunn assigned three exercises for homework during the second week of school I did them all
No - and
Pollen causes people with hay fever to sneeze they should stay inside during spring.
No - so
Most bears hibernate during the cold winter months you don't have to worry about seeing them during a winter walk.
No - so
The custodian swept the hall floor so the kids came in from recess.
No - after
I wanted to get my nails done because I went to the nail salon
No - so
Our basketball team won the game for the district championship.
Bob studied diligently for his math test because he passed.
No - and
The Venus flytrap can grow up to a foot high.
I was extra tired from daylight savings so I bought a large coffee at starbucks.
I went to the nurse until I didn't feel good.
No - because
An invention differs from a discovery, but they are closely related.
Birds are hidden from their enemies they blend into their surroundings.
No - because