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C1 phrasal verbs and idiomatic phrases

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you do not commit to a position in an argument, you...
Sit on the fence
Stand by the door
Lie by the chair
Sit in the driveway
To yield to someone or something else
Give way to
Give path to
Give door to
Give room to
To revise something
Go over
Go under
Go now and be free!
Go after
If something is not equal to something else, then it...
Lags behind
Creeps behind
Sneaks behind
Rolls behind
If something is based on fact, then it is...
Grounded in fact
Mounded in fact
Stacked on fact
Born in fact
Connected to a source
Rooted in
Earthed by
Stemmed in
Treed up
To waste a skill, talent, or opportunity is to...
Throw it away
Throw it up
Throw it off
Throw it before
To gain employment is to be...
Taken on
Taken up with
Taken off by
Taken through something
To start doing something new or difficult
Embark on
Begin on
Start on
Commence on
To give someone an unfriendly welcome
Cold shoulder
Hard elbow
Hot potato
Sharp tongue
A good thing that seemed bad at first
A blessing in disguise
A blessing in the clouds
A blessing in the stars
A blessing hidden in your soup
Don't give up
Hang in there
Hang through it
Hang about it
Hang towards it
Calm down!
Pull yourself together!
Pull your hands apart!
Pull your thumbs up!
Pull your fingers over!
To get upset about something
To get bent out of shape
To get broken out of shape
To get moulded into heat
To get folded into steel
To test or attempt
Try out
Try before
Try of
Try beside
When you don't notice how much time has gone by because you're enjoying yourself...
Time flies when you're having fun
Time dies when you're having fun
Time lies when you're having fun
Time cries when you're having fun
To refuse someone or something
Turn down
Turn up
Turn over
Turn under
If you are not punished for doing something wrong, you....
Get away with it
Go through with it
Make do with it
Put up with it
To have an affair!
Cheat on
Cheat upon
Cheat beyond
Cheat behind
When something gets out of control, it.....
Gets out of hand
Gets out of sight
Get out of mind
Get out of my house!
To discover the solution to something
Figure out
Figure in
Figure up
Figure about
To concentrate on something
Knuckle down
Buckle up
Listen by
Trickle into
To be eager for something
Be up for
Be in for
Be at for
Be left for
To exhaust someone...
Wear out
Wear in
Wear for
Wear up
To deliberately annoy someone
Wind up
Wind down
Wind in
Wind out