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Adjectives of Comparison

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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22. I want to earn ________ money.(many)
21. Tina is ____________(attractive) than her cousin.
more attractive
20. Her dress is the _________________ of all(pretty)
19.He was the ……… (Smart) person in the group
18. You are………… (Thin) than most of our friends.
17.I know my handwriting is…….(bad) but Swapnil’s is ……. (bad)
bad, worse
16.Cricket is …….than football in India(popular)
more popular
15.This exercise is _______________(easy) of all.
the easiest
14. Neha Ma'am's class is the _____________ class. most boring most interesting
most interesting
13. The weather this summer is even _______________(bad) than last summer.
12.Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is ___________ .
Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is ________________ than skateboarding.
more dangerous
10.Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the _______________ joke I've ever heard.
9.This magazine is cheap, but that one is ______________ .
8.He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the _________________ one in the world.
most interesting
7.He was the ________________(clever) thief of all.
6. The comparative form of faithful is ______________
more faithful
5. Which is the______________________ (dangerous) animal in the world?
most dangerous
This flower is __________________(beautiful) than that one.
more beautiful
3. Martin is …………………….. boy in the class.(strong)
the strongest
2. Alexander was one of ……………………. kings who ever lived.(great)
the greatest
1. James is as ………………… as his brother.(tall)