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Focus 4 3.5 3.7

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The plans for the bridge were approved by every person on the committee. ALL
All the people on the committee approved the plans for the bridge.
Some of our friends are here, but where is everybody else? OTHERS
Some of our friends are here, but where are the others
The buses from the city centre to the castle leave at twenty-minute intervals. EVERY
The buses from the city centre to the castle leave every twenty minutes .
All the rooms in the hotel are unique and decorated in a different style. EACH
Each room in the hotel is unique and decorated in a different style.
There's enough room at the dining table for all the family to eat together. WHOLE
There's enough room at the dining table for the whole family to eat together
The cottage isn't suitable for wheelchair users because the two bedrooms are located on the first floor. BOTH
The cottage isn't suitable for wheelchair users because both bedrooms are located on the first floor
The biscuits are delicious. Do you mind if I have one more? ANOTHER
The biscuits are delicious. Do you mind if I have another one
There are _____ vacant shops on the high street, which is a bad sign for the local economy.
There's a great _____ of traffic on the roads today, so I'm going to take the underground to work
Jenny can come in our car too – there's _____ of space.
a couple
Why is there only _____ water left? Barbara bought three bottles for the trip.
a little
a few
This flat has a slightly bigger living room than the other one , but I'm afraid _____ of them have cable TV.
The head teacher said that _____ of the students that caused the fire will be allowed to go on the trip next week.n the city centre.
none of
very little
I hear that _____ people are still unaware of the plans to build a multi-storey car park in the city centre.
most of
none of
I'm afraid only _____ people decided to come, so we won't be putting on the show.
a few