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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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your / people / many / house? / live / in / how
how many people live in your house?
get / you / morning? / this / time / did / up / what
what time did you get up this morning?
/ go? / to / place / is / best / which / the
which is the best place to go?
how / use / apps? / do / you / often
how often do you use apps?
go / you / will / when / home?
when will you go home?
you / learning / why / are / English?
why are you learning English?
day? / listen / does / tunes / many / Eva / to / each / How
How many tunes does Eva listen to each day?
each / send / day? / keep / does / Eva / How / many / messages
How many messages does Eva keep send each day?
Eva / keep / her / where / does / phone?
where does Eva keep her phone?
Who / Eva / call? / does / often
Who does Eva often call?
What / her / phone? / is / colour
What colour is her phone?
got / phone? / did / When / a / new / Eva
When did Eva got a new phone?
do / How / many / each / you / to / listen / tunes / day?
How many tunes do you listen to each day?
you / send / do / each / many / messages / day? / How
How many messages do you send each day?
or / Is / screen / big / small? / the
Is the screen big or small?
often / call? / do / Who / you
Who do you often call?
you / Where / phone? / keep / your / do
Where do you keep your phone?
your / colour / phone? / is / What
What colour is your phone?