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Frequency Adverbs

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Adverbs of frequency - position
We are late to school. (never)
We are never late to school.
I eat fish. (never)
I never eat fish.
Mary listens to music. (never)
Mary never listens to music.
I play basketball. (sometimes)
I sometimes play basketball.
Sam is friendly. (sometimes)
Sam is sometimes friendly.
My parents drink orange juice. (sometimes)
My parents sometimes drink orange juice.
Tom plays the piano. (often)
Tom often plays the piano.
My sister walks the dog. (often)
My sister often walks the dog.
My brother plays the computer. (often)
My brother often plays the computer.
The school bus is late. (seldom)
The school bus is seldom late.
We watch football on TV. (hardly ever)
We hardly ever watch football on TV.
Mark is sad. (occasionally)
Mark is occasionally sad.
I ride my bike. (usually)
I usually ride my bike.
George goes swimming after school. (always)
George always goes swimming after school.
My puppy is hungry. (always)
My puppy is always hungry.
I get up at 7. (always)
I always get up at 7.