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B2.1 - Gerund & Infinitives

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you mind ________ for a minute or two? (wait)
Mario hates ___________ in public. (speak)
to speak / speaking
Can you ask her _________ for 20 minutes, I need to finish this meeting. (hang on)
to hang on
The students had to wait ________ their grades. (receive)
to receive
I like snowboarding, but my cousin prefers _________. (ski)
to ski / skiing
My neighbours decided __________ their house. (sell, not)
not to sell
I hate ___________ people when I'm not prepared to speak to them. (bump into)
to bump into / bumping into
Junko and Yosuke enjoy _________ to the beach. (go)
to go / going
Most doctors suggest ___________ at least three times a week. (exercise)
It is easy _______ behind in your schoolwork. (fall)
to fall
Hye Jun doesn’t like _______ in the rain. (walk)
to walk / walking
My friend mentioned ________ puppies for sale. (have)
The teacher encouraged her students ____________ their own languages. (speak, not)
not to speak
I enjoy __________ my book club. The books we read are always so interesting. (belong to)
belonging to
I refuse ______________ him. His ideas are crazy! (agree with)
to agree with
Maurice asked ________ invited. (be)
to be
We love __________ music. (listen to)
to listen to / listening to
Jason needs ________ more. (study)
to study
The lawyer wanted ________ with his client. (meet)
to meet