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After School Reading 4th Nov 1st

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False in the story The Case of the Missing Melody these were high school kids?
What is the setting for the story "The Case of the Missing Melody"?
What does vanished mean?
disappear suddently
What does sprint mean?
run at full speed over a short distance
Why did the yearbook team take the instruments?
They need to get pictures of the instruments for the yearbook.
Who is the main character of Animal Planet?
What was the problem in the story "The Case of the Missing Melody"?
The instruments when missing right before the performance
What is a narrator?
The person telling the story
What did it mean when Marika said "his face was redder than a tomato" referring to Mr. Mason?
Mr. Mason was really mad
What was the music teacher's name in The Case of the Missing Melody?
Mr. Mason
In what room did they find the instruments?
The yearbook room.
Describe how Todrick felt when he first saw the puppy.
Name a detail that supports the conclusion that Todrick likes and accepts the puppy by the end of the story?
Todrick says that he needs to give the puppy a name.
What was the tradition on Animal Planet?
Everyone was presented with an animal to train and care for when they are 12 yrs old.